Save and display images in Binary – NodeJS

In this tutorial, you will learn, how you can save and display images in Binary in NodeJS and MongoDB.

We will also create an API that will return a binary image as a response.

Saving images in the database has many advantages over saving images in file storage.

  1. First, if you are deploying in Heroku, they do not provide persistent storage for their free tier. This means that the files uploaded on Heroku will automatically be removed after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  2. Second, migrating from one deployment platform to another is easy. Since you do not have to move all the uploaded files too. You can use for your MongoDB database and use this on all platforms.
  3. Third, we will be saving images in Binary format so it will take less space than saving in Base64.

Video tutorial:

The following route will save the user-uploaded image as Binary in MongoDB using NodeJS.

// npm install fs
// import file system module
const fs = require("fs")"/upload", async function (request, result) {
    // get user-uploaded file
    const image = request.files.image
    // reading file data
    const fileData = await fs.readFileSync(image.path)
    // converting to binary
    const binary = Buffer.from(fileData)
    // saving in database
    await db.collection("images").insertOne({
        path: binary
    // sending response back to client

Check out this tutorial if you want to know how to connect with MongoDB.

Now that the image has been saved, we will create a GET route that will return the image as a base64 string.

// set EJS as templating engine
app.set("view engine", "ejs")

app.get("/", async function (request, result) {
    // get image from collection
    const image = await db.collection("images")
    // variable to get base64 string
    let imageString = ""
    // check if document exists
    if (image != null) {
        // image.path will return binary
        // buffer() function is called on binary object
        imageString = "data:image/png;base64," + image.path.buffer.toString("base64")
    // sending data to file "views/index.ejs"
    result.render("index", {
        image: imageString

After that, we need to create a folder named “views” and inside it a file named “index.ejs” and write the following code in it:

<img src="<%= image %>" style="width: 100%;" />

That’s how you can save and display images in Binary in NodeJS and MongoDB.