How to get donations from Stripe in WordPress
In this tutorial, we are going to teach you how you can get donations in your WordPress site for non-profit organizations using Stripe. We assume that you already have registered a Stripe account and a WordPress site.
We will be using a WordPress plugin to get donations.
Learn how to integrate Stripe using Javascript.
Stripe Payment Gateway – Javascript, PHP
Following are the steps:
Video tutorial:
- Goto Plugins > Add New.
- Search for “Stripe”.
- Install and activate the plugin named “Stripe Payments by wptipsntricks”.
- Then you will see “Stripe Payments” menu on left sidebar on admin panel. Goto Stripe Payments > Settings.
- Scroll down and you will see 4 fields:
- Live Stripe Publishable Key
- Live Stripe Secret Key
- Test Stripe Publishable Key
- Test Stripe Secret Key
- Goto your stripe dashboard and from left sidebar, goto Developers > API keys.
- Copy the publishable and secret key and paste them in respective fields. Make sure if you are using test mode or live mode.
- Coming back to your WordPress admin panel, goto Stripe Payments > Add New Product.
- In “Price & Currency” section, select “Donation”.
- You will also see a section named “Embed Product” on right hand side below “Publish” button.
- Copy the shortcode and paste that in your post or wherever you want to show the payment button.
Now, you can use the following credentials for testing the payment method:
Card Number | 5555 5555 5555 4444 |
Expiry Month | 02 |
Expiry Year | 22 |
CVC | 314 |
Whenever someone makes a donation to your site, you will see that in your Stripe dashboard “Payments” page from the left sidebar. You can follow this link for sandbox accounts. For live accounts, simply remove the “test” part from the URL.
Note: I will add Stripe payment gateway for getting donations in your website in just $5.