Send response from other method in Laravel

In Laravel, generally, you can send the response back to the client only from the method that was directly called from the route. But there is a way to send a response from other method as well.

Let’s say you created the following route:

// routes/web.php

use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;

Route::get("/response-other-method", [UserController::class, "responseOtherMethod"]);

And in your UserController class, you have the following 2 methods:

// App/Http/Controllers/UserController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class UserController extends Controller
    public function otherMethod()
        return response()->json([
            "message" => "Hello Laravel"

    public function responseOtherMethod()

Note that the function “responseOtherMethod()” is called directly from the route. But it is further calling the “otherMethod()” function. Right now, you will see an empty blank page when you access that route:


Laravel is calling both of these functions, it is just not returning the response from the second function. To return the response from otherMethod() method, just call throwResponse() from it.


return response()->json([
    "message" => "Hello Laravel"

You will be able to see the response now If you access that route again. Learn more on Laravel.