Real Estate website in PHP, MySQL, Laravel
Real estate business that requires a website for their business, we are providing a free website for them in PHP and MySQL (Laravel framework).
Following are the key features in this project. More features can be added on-demand.
Admin panel
There is a dedicated admin panel from where admin can manage all properties, set business email, phone and address. He can also manage the banners on home page. Administrator can also see all the messages received from “contact us” form from use side.
In this free real estate website, you can mention the properties available. From admin panel, you can add, edit or delete any property you want. You just need to enter the property name and its price. You can also upload an image of the property. For more information, you can write the detail on the “description” box.
Apart from these, you can also mention the following attributes of the property:
- Area of property.
- Number of floors.
- Number of rooms.
- Number of bedrooms.
- Number of bathrooms.
- Parking space.
- And payment process (Cash, Bank, Cheque etc.).
Home banners
You can upload banners for home page. When user lands on your real estate website, he will see those banners right infront of him. You can upload as many banners as you want, but the ideal number is 3. You can delete any banner whenever you want.
Business information
To update the business information like phone, email and address. You don’t need to go into source code and update these on all places. On admin panel, you can goto “settings” and enter their values and they will be updated on all places in the website. You can also set the name of website from settings page.
Social network
Same as you can update your business information, you can enter your social media links from admin panel. Right now you can set the following social network links:
But more can be added on-demand.
Contact us
On user-side, we have a “contact us” form from where user can enter his name and email and send a message. You can see all user’s sent messages on admin panel. You can see their name and email, so if you want to contact them back, you can do easily.
- Create a database “real_estate” in your phpMyAdmin.
- Goto config/database.php.
- Set username and password for MySQL.
Run the following commands at root directory:
- COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update
- php artisan storage:link
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate
- name=”Admin” email=”” password=”admin” php artisan db:seed –class=DatabaseSeeder
- php artisan serve
Project will start running at:
Price: $100
How to buy:
Kindly send the project name on WhatsApp or E-mail and we will send you the payment details. Once payment is made, we will send the project via Google Drive:
- WhatsApp: +923105461304
- Email: