Node JS and Mongo DB API

Developing an API in Node JS and Mongo DB allows you to create real-time, high performance and scalable applications. When you are building a website or a mobile app, you might have a different design than what is already built. But your backend will be almost similar to your competitor. Let’s say you want to build a social network like Facebook. You will pick an HTML template or design a UI specific for your business. But you want to have a module to create users, posts, pages, groups, friends, chats and much more.

So we are providing you an API that allows you to just upload the code on your server, and start calling the APIs from your client side (web, mobile etc.). It will reduced the development time on your backend. All the data will be stored on your server, no third-party storage service is being used here.

Here is the complete documentation for an API developed in Node JS and Mongo DB.

User Registration and Profile

This API allows you to register an account. The passwords are encrypted before saving them in database. User can also login using his email and password that he entered during registration.

On successfull login, a Json Web Token (JWT) is generated and returned in the API response. The client application needs to save that token in its local storage because that token will be use in other APIs in headers to identify the user. This token is also stored in server as well. So if you want to logout a user manually, you can simply remove his token from database.

User can edit his name and profile image. The email field is read-only, it cannot be changed. User can also change his password. For that, he needs to provide his current password and enter his new password 2 times for confirmation.

Social Network Posts

If you are building a social network, then this module allows you to create and manage posts for a social network. You can also share other’s posts on your timeline. You can edit or remove your own posts. Other users will be able to like, comment or share your posts. Users will be able to edit to delete their own comments. You will be able to reply to the comments on your posts, and you can also edit or remove your reply if you want. Users can also see the list of all users who has liked or shared your post.


If you are running a business, you can create a page for your business and start posting about your products or services in that page. In order to create a page, you need to set it’s name, tell a little about the page, and provide a cover photo for the page. User can follow your page and start seeing your page’s posts in their newsfeed. Only creator of page can create a post in that page.

You can see a list of all users who has followed your page. User can also see a list of all pages he has followed. The owner of the page can edit or delete the page. Once page is deleted, all the posts inside that will be deleted as well.


You can create groups to create a community of like-minded people. In order to create a group, you need to enter the name of group, a little description about the group and it’s cover photo. You can see a list of all groups created in the platform. There are separate links from where you can see only the groups that you have created or the groups you have joined. You can join or leave the group whenever you want. However, admin of the group can also remove you from the group if he wants.

Only admin or group members can post in a group. Posts uploaded by admin will be immediately displayed on the groups newsfeed. However, the posts uploaded by group members will be held pending for approval from the admin. Admin can see a list of all posts uploaded by group members. He can accept or decline a post he wants.

Admin of the group can update the name or description of the group, and he can also change the cover photo of the group. Admin can delete the group as well. Upon deleting, all the posts uploaded in that group will be deleted as well.


This API allows you to upload media files (images, videos) on the platform. Each media file will have a title, alt attribute, and caption. These will help you in your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can edit or delete your own media files whenever you want.

Free version available here:


Run the following commands in the “api” folder:

npm update
npm install nodemon
nodemon index.js

Paste the “nodejs-mongodb” folder in your “htdocs” folder if you are using XAMPP or MAMP, or in “www” folder if you are using WAMP. Project can be accessed from:


Price: $100

How to buy:

Kindly send the project name on WhatsApp or E-mail and we will send you the payment details. Once payment is made, we will send the project via Google Drive:

  • WhatsApp: +923105461304
  • Email: