
Job Portal website in PHP and MySQL – MVC

A Job Portal website is created in PHP and MySQL using MVC architecture. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and this architectural design is used by many websites for scalability.

  • ✅ Easy setup.
  • ✅ Compatible with almost every shared/dedicated/VPS hosting.
  • ✅ Free support.

New features:

  • ✅ Optimized sending bulk emails.

Files included:

  • .php
  • .css
  • .js

Tech stack:

  1. PHP +7.0
  2. MySQL +5.0
  3. Bootstrap 4
  4. Vue JS 3

Recruiter can post a job

Post job

Recruiter posted jobs

Recruiter uploaded jobs

Change status of applicant

Application status change

Edit/delete job

A recruiter can edit or delete any of his posted jobs at any time. This helps if the recruiter needs to change the requirements for a job or delete if the vacancy is already been filled.

Jobs Listing

Users will get a listing of all the jobs posted by recruiters.

Job listing

Job Detail

They can view the job details by clicking the job title.

Job detail

Filter Jobs

On the jobs listing page, users can filter jobs by the type of job they want, like developer, designer, etc. By the location to see if the job is in their city or if they can relocate to that city. Or by the nature of the job i.e. is the job part-time, full-time, or remote. Users can also search the jobs in their salary range. This way they can find jobs that pay them according to their needs.

Real-time updates on new jobs

Users will get real-time updates whenever a new job is posted by the recruiter. They do not have to refresh the page to check if there is any new job. To develop this feature, I have used sockets. You need to install Node JS in your system or server to make this feature work. Even if you do not have Node JS installed, all other features will work except for real-time job updates.

Email notifications of new jobs

Users can turn on notifications from recruiters. Whenever that recruiter posts a new job, all the users who have turned on their notifications will receive an email.

Admin can see all the stats

The admin of the website can see the total number of users registered. The total number of jobs that have been posted by recruiters. And the total number of applications that have been submitted for those jobs. The admin can see all this information on his dashboard.

Manage users

Admin will have the option to add new users to the website. While adding, he/she can select if the user be an applicant or a recruiter. Admin can also manage existing users. Admin can edit the user and can also delete the user if required. Admin can change the password of the user as well. This is helpful if the user is finding it difficult to receive the password reset email. Or if you want to prevent the user from logging in.


This Job Portal website can be deployed on any server that supports PHP and MySQL.

Price: $100 $10 (till 30 March 2025)

How to buy:

Send your name, email and the project name on WhatsApp or E-mail and we will send you the payment details. Once payment is made, we will share the source files with you.

  • WhatsApp: +923105461304
  • Email: support@adnan-tech.com