How to Create a ZIP file in Node JS

In this article, we are going to teach you how you can create a ZIP file of any file or folder with all its sub-folders in Node JS.

Video tutorial:

First, you need to install a module named “zip-local” in your project. So run the following command in your command prompt or terminal:

npm install zip-local

Then you need to include the module in your server file where you want to use it.

const zipLocal = require("zip-local")

After that, whenever you want to want to execute the code to create a folder ZIP, paste the following lines:"files").compress().save("")

zip(): Accepts the path and name of the file or folder that needs to be zipped.

save(): Accepts the path and name of a new ZIP file.

So that’s how you can create a zip file in your Node JS project.
Learn how to password protect a zip file from this tutorial.