Ecommerce website in MEVN stack

It is a single-page ecommerce website developed in Vue JS. Vue JS is an open-source Javascript framework specifically built to design user interfaces and is widely used for creating single-page applications.

Node JS is a Javascript run-time environment developed for creating the backend of applications. Its framework Express is widely used for creating APIs. It is built to create scalable applications.

Mongo DB is a no-SQL database. It is a non-relational database system. It is easily scalable because the data is loosely coupled.

FeaturesFreePremium $100
Product management (admin panel)YesYes
Product listingYesYes
Product detailYesYes
Shopping cartYesYes
Checkout (PayPal & Stripe)YesYes
Order management (admin panel)YesYes
Order detailYesYes
Product specificationsYesYes
Stock managementYesYes
Search and sortYesYes
New order emailYesYes
Product reviewsNoYes
Shipping charges by countryNoYes
Product image compressionNoYes
Realtime chat between users and adminNoYes

Following is the feature list of this project:

  • Product management (admin panel)
  • Product listing
  • Product detail
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout (PayPal & Stripe)
  • Order management (admin panel)
  • Order detail
  • Product specifications
  • Stock management
  • Product reviews
  • Search and sort
  • Shipping charges by country
  • Email to admin whenever a new order is placed
  • Product image compression
  • Realtime chat between users and admin

Add product

Admin will be able to add products. He will enter the name of the product. Add a little description of the product. And set the price of the product. The price will be in dollars. Along with them, the admin can upload one or more images of the product.

Product listing

Users will see the products added by the admin on their home page. The latest products are displayed first. Along with each product, a button will be displayed to view the detail of the product.

Product detail

Users can view the detail of the product. If the product contains more than one image, then it will be displayed as a beautiful slider. From this page, users will also be able to add products to the cart. If the product is already added to the cart, then he will be able to remove it from the cart.

Shopping cart

Users can add the product to the cart. From the cart’s page, he will be able to adjust the quantity of the product. There will be multiple products in the cart and you can set the quantity of each product separately. You will also see your total bill as soon as you change the quantity of any product added to the cart.

Checkout (Stripe & PayPal)

After adding the products to the cart and setting each product’s quantity, the user can go to the checkout page. Here, he can either pay via Stripe or PayPal. Both payment methods accept debit and master cards securely. When the user made the payment, his payment is verified from the server. If verified, then a new order will be created in the database.

Order management

Whenever a user made a payment via Stripe or PayPal, an order will be created. All orders will be displayed on the admin panel ordered by latest to oldest. By default, the status of the order is “Processing”. But admin can change the status of the order to “Completed” when the product is delivered to the customer.

Admin will also be able to view the total amount of the order, the payment method customer has used, and the user’s shipping details.

Order detail

Admin can view all the products that were included in each order. He can manually verify the payment by clicking the payment method. If he clicks “Stripe”, he will be redirected to the Stripe payments page. If he clicks “PayPal”, then he will be redirected to the PayPal business page. Admin can check the name, email, and phone of the user and also his shipping address.

Product specifications

Admin can add the specifications of each product and the user will be able to see it on the product detail page.

Stock management

Admin can set the number of units in stock for each product. When the user makes an order, then the number of units he has selected will be subtracted.

Product reviews

User can give reviews on a product and it will be displayed to all users who visit that product. Admin will have the ability to remove any review, for example, spamming, etc.

Search and sort

Users can search by product by its name, description, category, or specifications. Users can also sort the products by date or by price.

Shipping charges by country

Admin can set the shipping charges by each country because, in a global eCommerce website, users place orders from all over the world. For example, if your store is located in USA and someone places an order from the UK. Then you charge the shipping fee differently than other countries.

Email to admin whenever a new order is placed

Admin will receive an email whenever a new order has been placed by the user.

Product image compression

Now you can compress the product images from the admin panel. The 3 MB image can be reduced to just 182 KB and the image will still be of great quality.

Realtime chat between users and admin

Users will be able to have a chat with the admin to know more about a product before placing an order. I believe every eCommerce website should have this feature.

We are constantly updating this project and adding more features and enhancements to it. Following are all the builds that are released till today.

  • In the very first release, we build the basic E-commerce version where the admin can add products and users can see them. Add them to carts and order them. We also added Stripe and PayPal payment methods.
  • In the second release, we added more features. Allowing users to give reviews about a product. Allowing admin to charge a different shipping fee for each country and many more.
  • In the third release, we added functionality to compress product images and to have real-time chat between users and admin.

Free version

Price: $100 $10 (till 30 March 2025)

How to buy:

Send your name, email and the project name on WhatsApp or E-mail and we will send you the payment details. Once payment is made, we will share the source files with you.

  • WhatsApp: +923105461304
  • Email:

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