Secure your website using CSRF PHP

Cross site request forgery (CSRF) is a form of attack where are person sends an unwanted action as if he is a logged in user. We can secure our website from CSRF attack in PHP.

A successful CSRF attack can result in access to unauthorized data. Changing passwords of other users and stealing browser cookies or session data.

CSRF attacks are typically conducted by sending an email or message on social media. As the victim is authenticated at that time, the attacker can easily sends a request to get the information. And the server responds as it is being requested by real user.

We will be creating 3 files “csrf.php” which contains all the login for CSRF protected. “form.php” which will be using to submit form in a secure way. And “submit.php” which will be receiving and validating the user input.

Start off by starting a session and creating a simple PHP class:


    class CSRF

Then, create a method to generate a unique special token for authenticated user:

    class CSRF
    	public static function create_token()
    	    // Generating a unique token
    	    $token = md5(time());

    	    // Saving the token in session
    	    $_SESSION["token"] = $token;

    	    // Creating a hidden input field with that unique input
    	    echo "<input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value='" . $token . "' />";

Above function will be used to create a token, now create a function to validate the token:

public static function validate_token($token)

First check if the token exists in session, if not then it is an attempt from attacker:

public static function validate_token($token)
    if (!isset($_SESSION["token"]))
        return false;

Second, you need to check if the $token matches with the one in the session, if not then it is an attempt from attacker:

if ($_SESSION["token"] != $token)
    return false;
return true;

At this point, your csrf.php file should be like this:

    class CSRF
    	public static function create_token()
    	    // Generating a unique token
    	    $token = md5(time());

    	    // Saving the token in session
    	    $_SESSION["token"] = $token;

    	    // Creating a hidden input field with that unique input
    	    echo "<input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value='" . $token . "' />";

    	public static function validate_token($token)
            if (!isset($_SESSION["token"]))
                return false;

            if ($_SESSION["token"] != $token)
                return false;
            return true;

Now in form.php, first you have to include the csrf.php file:

    require_once "csrf.php";

Then create a simple form and add that csrf_token inside that form:

<form method='POST' action='submit.php'>
    <?php CSRF::create_token(); ?>

Below this CSRF token line inside the form, you can add all your form fields:

<form method='POST' action='submit.php'>
    <?php CSRF::create_token(); ?>
    <input type="text" name="first_name" placeholder="Enter first name" />
    <input type="submit">

When you submit the form, csrf_token field also being sent along with other data. We will be using that field to validate the request. Now, create a 3rd file named submit.php:


    require_once "csrf.php";

    // Validating the request
    if (CSRF::validate_token($_POST["csrf_token"]))
    	echo "Process";
    	echo "Error";

Now, execute the form.php file and try to change the csrf_token field by inspect element, and you will see that it will disallow all unauthenticated requests from any other person.

Also learn, how you can prevent direct access to files using htaccess from here.

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