In this tutorial, we will teach you how you can pass value from the recycler view adapter to activity in Kotlin. First, you need to…
Previously, we created a tutorial to show you how you can download an image in your storage using Java. In this tutorial, we will show…
In this tutorial, we will show you how you can display HTTP images in your ImageView in your android app using Kotlin. We will be…
To select a file from internal storage in android using Kotlin, first, you have to start an intent with a request code. After that, when…
In the Android Volley library, you can pass headers with an HTTP request using Kotlin. Headers are used to pass additional information. Following will be…
In this article, we will be creating a left menu drawer in an android app using Kotlin. Following will be the code of your activity:…
In this tutorial, we will teach you how you can login a user with JWT (JSON Web Token) in the android app using Kotlin and…
This tutorial will create an android user registration activity in Kotlin. You will learn the following: Creating an activity First, we will create an empty…
We created a chat application in native Android using Kotlin and Node JS. We have used Mongo DB as a database. Modern and professional UI…
Buy the 14 premium projects bundle for $1000. The bundle contains projects in the following technologies: Project’s list You can buy each project separately too…