Freelance Status – A tool for freelancers

Freelance Status is a tool for freelancers to update clients about their work progress. You can download it for free.

Technologies used

  • Laravel
    • I have used Laravel framework for building this project basic structure and APIs. It is also a very good framework with many built-in security features. It can also be deployed on shared hosting as well.
  • React JS
    • All the pages on client and admin side are rendered in React JS. This is not a Single Page Application (SPA) but the HTML is rendered by React JS.
  • Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap is used for building structure and layout of website. It is also very helpful for responsive design.


In “Freelance Status”, there are 2 panels. One for freelancer and one for client. Freelancer portal is actually the admin panel because he can add his clients, projects and tasks. He can update the status of his tasks etc. But client can only see the progress of their tasks from user side.

Admin panel (freelancer)

You (as a freelancer) holds the admin panel. You can:

  • Add, edit or delete clients. While adding clients, you can enter their name, email, phone (if have) and password. You can let them know their password via message or inbox so they can access the client side.
  • You can add projects for each client. While adding projects, you can enter the name of the project. Then you can select the client of that project via dropdown. In dropdown, you will see a list of all clients added from previous step.
  • Similarly, you can add tasks of each project. For adding tasks, you have to provide many values.
    • Task title and its description.
    • The price of that task.
    • The status (todo, progress or done).
    • The payment status. It can be either (paid, not paid, not finalized). Payment “not finalized” means that the amount is not yet decided between client and freelancer. But you are saving the task so it can be discussed later.
    • Select the client.
    • Select the project this task belongs to.

Client side

  • Clients will first have to login using the email and password provided by freelancer.
  • After login, they will see all their projects on home page.
  • With each project, they will see a link “View tasks”. On clicking that, they will be redirected to a new page.
  • On this page, they can see a list of all tasks in that project. They can also see the price, status and payment status of each task.
  • With each task, a button saying “Detail” is displayed. When clicked, will display a modal containing the details of the task.


Following steps helps you install this project on your localhost. If you want to learn how to deploy this on your live server, check our this guide.

Step 1

First you need to create a database named “freelance_status”, or any other name of your choice, in your phpMyAdmin.

Step 2

Then you need to set your database credentials in “config/database.php” file. Here you can set your database name, username and its password.

Note: If you are working on live server, make sure you have given that user all permissions to your database.

Step 3

Open command prompt or terminal at the root of this project and run the following commands:

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update

This will install all the required libraries for this project. Make sure you have composer installed in your system. COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 will prevent you from timeout exception.

Note: For live server, you can talk with your hosting provider customer support to install composer.

Step 4

Set storage link in your public folder by running the following command:

php artisan storage:link

This will create a shortcut link of storage/app/public folder into your public folder. It allows you to access your files stored in storage from public directory.

Step 5

Next step is to generate an application key for your project.

php artisan key:generate

This will generate a random string of 32 characters. The key will automatically be saved in APP_KEY variable of your .env file.

Step 6

If you have set your database credentials, you can run the following command.

php artisan migrate

It will create all the tables required for your project.

Step 7

After running the migration, we need to run the seeder.

name="Admin" email="" password="admin" php artisan db:seed –class=DatabaseSeeder

A super admin will be added in “users” table. You can set your own name, email and password here.

Step 8

Finally you can run your project by running the following command.

php artisan serve

If you run the URL “” in your browser, you will see your project. If anything goes wrong, feel free to contact me.

“Freelance Status” allows you to add clients, their projects and tasks from admin panel. And clients can see them trough a user side. Clients do not have to keep asking you about update on the project. And you can focus more on work than on updating the client about progress.