Emoji ratings feedback – Javascript
Learn how to get feedback from your website users using emoji ratings. We will be using plain Javascript. No external library has been used in this tutorial.
Below is a list of all possible emojis at the time of writing this. You can found any new emoji missing, please do inform us in the comments section below.
Smiley | HTML code |
๐ | 😀 |
๐ | 😁 |
๐ | 😂 |
๐ | 😃 |
๐ | 😄 |
๐ | 😅 |
๐ | 😆 |
๐ | 😇 |
๐ | 😈 |
๐ | 😉 |
๐ | 😊 |
๐ | 😋 |
๐ | 😌 |
๐ | 😍 |
๐ | 😎 |
๐ | 😏 |
๐ | 😐 |
๐ | 😑 |
๐ | 😒 |
๐ | 😓 |
๐ | 😔 |
๐ | 😕 |
๐ | 😖 |
๐ | 😗 |
๐ | 😘 |
๐ | 😙 |
๐ | 😚 |
๐ | 😛 |
๐ | 😜 |
๐ | 😝 |
๐ | 😞 |
๐ | 😟 |
๐ | 😠 |
๐ก | 😡 |
๐ข | 😢 |
๐ฃ | 😣 |
๐ค | 😤 |
๐ฅ | 😥 |
๐ฆ | 😦 |
๐ง | 😧 |
๐จ | 😨 |
๐ฉ | 😩 |
๐ช | 😪 |
๐ซ | 😫 |
๐ฌ | 😬 |
๐ญ | 😭 |
๐ฎ | 😮 |
๐ฏ | 😯 |
๐ฐ | 😰 |
๐ฑ | 😱 |
๐ฒ | 😲 |
๐ณ | 😳 |
๐ด | 😴 |
๐ต | 😵 |
๐ถ | 😶 |
๐ท | 😷 |
๐ | 🙁 |
๐ | 🙂 |
๐ | 🙃 |
๐ | 🙄 |
๐ค | 🤐 |
๐ค | 🤑 |
๐ค | 🤒 |
๐ค | 🤓 |
๐ค | 🤔 |
๐ค | 🤕 |
๐ค | 🤠 |
๐คก | 🤡 |
๐คข | 🤢 |
๐คฃ | 🤣 |
๐คค | 🤤 |
๐คฅ | 🤥 |
๐คง | 🤧 |
๐คจ | 🤨 |
๐คฉ | 🤩 |
๐คช | 🤪 |
๐คซ | 🤫 |
๐คฌ | 🤬 |
๐คญ | 🤭 |
๐คฎ | 🤮 |
๐คฏ | 🤯 |
๐ง | 🧐 |
Create input slider range
Create a div to display default emoji ratings, for example if you want the default feedback about communication to be “satisfied” then display the following emoji:
<div class="emoji-container">
<div class="emoji">
<p class="emoji-text">Satisfied</p>
<input type="range" name="status[communication]" min="0" max="4" step="1">
To view the emoji in large size, simply change the font size of emoji class. If you want to show the horizontal arrows for input type range, just change the cursor CSS property.
.emoji {
font-size: 60px;
input[type="range"] {
cursor: ew-resize;
Change emoji ratings with slider
Now create an array to store all type of emojis you want to display with your slider, and the meaning of each emoji in array of objects. Then we need to loop through all input type ranges and attach onmousemove listener to each slider.
Whenever the value of slider changes, we will get the emoji object using value of slider, and display it in emoji-container. This will replace emoji and its meaning text to whatever the value of current slider is.
If you are using only one slider in your document, you can use simply document.querySelector(“.emoji-container”) to get the container div of that emoji.
var emojis = [
{ emoji: "😡", text: "Hate it"},
{ emoji: "😓", text: "Difficult to understand"},
{ emoji: "🙂", text: "Satisfied"},
{ emoji: "😀", text: "Very happy"},
{ emoji: "😘", text: "Loved it"}
var range = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='range']");
for (var a = 0; a < range.length; a++) {
range[a].onmousemove = function (event) {
var index = this.value;
var emojiContainer = this.closest(".emoji-container");
emojiContainer.querySelector(".emoji").innerHTML = emojis[index].emoji;
emojiContainer.querySelector(".emoji-text").innerHTML = emojis[index].text;
To save these feedback in database, enclose all your emoji-container divs in form tag and specify method as POST, and action to the file which will process this form data. If you sending input type file too, you also need to add an attribute enctype=”multipart/form-data” to form tag.
<form method="POST" action="save-feedback.php">
<!-- All above emoji containers here -->
<input type="submit">
Save data in database
We have created a simple database named tutorials and a table named feedback. It just has three columns, communication, service and support. The data type of these columns will be INTEGER as in database we just be saving ratings on a scale of 1 to 5. First parameter in $_POST array will be name of input type range, and second will be the associative index we have set. Here we are receiving 3 types of feedback from user. The insert query is pretty basic.
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "tutorials");
$communication = $_POST["status"]["communication"];
$service = $_POST["status"]["service"];
$support = $_POST["status"]["support"];
$sql = "INSERT INTO feedback(communication, service, support) VALUES('$communication', '$service', '$support')";
mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
echo "Done";
Change the emoji using slider and hit the submit button. You will see a new row will be inserted in database with integer value in respective columns. These integer values will tell the user feedback on a scale of 1 to 5.
Display on admin side
Now you might have an admin panel where you want to see the ratings given by user. So we will call a simple AJAX request to fetch those feedbacks from database. Our emojis array will remain same, and we can display the respective emoji based on database column value. First create an API page that will return all feedbacks in JSON format.
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "tutorials");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM feedback";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$data = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result))
array_push($data, $row);
echo json_encode($data);
Now back in index.php, we will send a simple AJAX request which will return all feedbacks in JSON string. We will parse that JSON into javascript arrays and objects. Create a div where all emojis needs to be displayed and display them using simple for loop.
<div id="feedback"></div>
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.open("GET", "get-feedback.php", true);
ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
var html = "";
for (var a = 0; a < data.length; a++) {
var communicationIndex = data[a].communication;
var communication = emojis[communicationIndex];
var serviceIndex = data[a].service;
var service = emojis[serviceIndex];
var supportIndex = data[a].support;
var support = emojis[supportIndex];
html += "<p>Communication: <span class='emoji'>" + communication.emoji + "</span>" + communication.text + "";
html += "<p>Service: <span class='emoji'>" + service.emoji + "</span>" + service.text + "</p>";
html += "<p>Support: <span class='emoji'>" + support.emoji + "</span>" + support.text + "</p>";
document.getElementById("feedback").innerHTML = html;
Run this script on your admin panel and you will be able to view the user added feedback in emoji ratings and their meaning.
Learn how to calculate average ratings from here.
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